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EMCOL Main Page
EMCOL is designed to combine the trained scientists in Istanbul Technical University (ITU) with advanced field and laboratory facilities for marine and lake studies. EMCOL houses, administers and utilises the upgraded facilities and train new researchers in advanced methodoligies in marine geology-geophysics, paleoceanography and limnology.
EMCOL, 3-year EC FP6-2004-ACC-SSA-2 project (Contract No. 17490) has been initiated at İstanbul Technical University with the following main objectives:
EMCOL’s Objectives
1. To establish state-of-the-art laboratory and field infrastructure that will be used extensively in marine and lake studies, including natural hazards and environmental changes, so that the output will be comparable with that from European, American, and other worldwide centres of excellence,
2. To develop highly qualified first- and second-generation researchers in interdisciplinary marine and lake studies at ITU, covering a wide range of fields such as underwater earthquake geology, tsunamis, submarine land slides, floods, climate change and environmental pollution, and
3. To enhance interactions in projects and idea exchanges between ITU researchers and those in the EU countries.



  • EMCOL scientist Dr. Nazlı Olğun Kıyak has become the Turkish Representative of the SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study) research initiative which includes more than 2400 scientists world-wide. Further information can be found at SOLAS Webpage (

  • FLOWS Meeting 2-4 March 2016 - Flows scientists meet in Crete to study geological hazards in southern European seas (

  • II. Coastal and Marine Geolgy Symposium & IODP-ECORD Meeting on 15-16 October 2015 ITU Faculty of Mines. Chairmen: Prof.Dr. M. Namık Çağatay (ITU-EMCOL) and Dr. Erol Sarı (IU) (