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Activities  › 18-19.08.09 ESONET Training
18-19.08.09 ESONET Training

Workshop and Training Course: Seafloor Observation Techniques for Marine Geohazard Monitoring

We have organized an ESONET NoE (European Seas Observatory Network of Excellence) training course on “Seafloor Observation Techniques for Marine Geohazard Monitoringat İstanbul Technical University on 18-19 August 2009.Engineers and scientists from marine institutes, other related governmental and private organizations are invited to participate.

The programme, venue and registration form are  attached. Financial support is available for a number of participants. Those who are interested in attending the course please fill in the attached registration form and send it

Deadline for applications is 15 July 2009.

The training workshop will follow a one-day symposium on “An overview of the research in the Sea of Marmara region over the last 10 years”, on the 10th Anniversary of 17 August 1999 Izmit Earthquake.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Part 1: Introductory Lectures

History of marine geological-geophysical research and the need for seafloor observatories in the Sea of Marmara

      Namık Çağatay, ITU-EMCOL             Presentation 1

Disaster risk reduction studies of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

Ahmet Emre Basmacı, IBB                  Presentation 2

 Seafloor observatories for geohazard and oceanographic studies

Louis Geli, Ifremer, France                   Presentation 3

 Relations between geofluids and marine geohazards (Pierre Henry, CNRS, France)

Part 2: Technical Lectures

 Long-term borehole hydrologic monitoring, and observations of seismic and aseismic strain in tectonically active settings Lecture 1(Heinrich Villinger, University of Bremen, Germany, Earl Davies, Canada)

 Long-term borehole hydrologic monitoring, and observations of seismic and aseismic strain in tectonically active settings Lecture 2(Heinrich Villinger, University of Bremen, Germany, Earl Davies, Canada)

      Observatory-based hydrological and geochemical measurement techniques

(Mike Tryon, Scripps Ocenaographic Institution, USA)

 Multidisciplinary seafloor observatories: architecture comparison, junction box core services, and smart-sensor interface. (Yves Auffret, Ifremer, France)

Acoustic sensors (Francesco Chierici, Italy)


Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Part 2: Technical Lectures (continued)

9:30 Gas-bubble monitoring (Carla Scalarbin, Ifremer, France)

10:10 Chemical sensors (Jean Luc Charlou, Ifremer, France)

     11:10 SN-4 and Geostar stations for seafloor observations (Paolo Favali, INGV, Italy)

11:50 Ocean Bottom Seismometers (Cansun Güralp, Güralp Instruments, U.K.)

    14:00  KOERI cabled seafloor observatory stations in the Sea of Marmara

    (Cemil Gürbüz, Doğan    Kalafat, Mehmet Yılmazer, Mustafa Çomoğlu, Koeri, Turkey)

14:40: Tsunami observatories (Klaus Schleisiek, SEND Off-Shore Electronics GmbH)

15:20 Dense Ocean floor Network system for mega thrust Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET)-Towards to understanding the Geohazard and Disaster Mitigation- (Yoshiyuki Kaneda, JAMSTEC, Japan)





Presentation-1 Cagatay_MN
Presentation-2 Basmaci_AE