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Papers in SCI-journals 


  1. Damcı, E., & Çağatay, M. N. (2018). Chronological evolution of some morphological, tectonic and volcanic features in Lake Van, based on correlation of seismic and core data. Quaternary International.


  1. Giuliani, S., Bellucci, L. G., Çağatay, M. N., Polonia, A., Piazza, R., Vecchiato, M., ... & Gasperini, L. (2017). The impact of the 1999 Mw 7.4 event in the İzmit Bay (Turkey) on anthropogenic contaminant (PCBs, PAHs and PBDEs) concentrations recorded in a deep sediment core. Science of the Total Environment590, 799-808.
  2. Çağatay, M. N., Yıldız, G., Bayon, G., Ruffine, L., & Henry, P. (2017). Seafloor authigenic carbonate crusts along the submerged part of the North Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara: Mineralogy, geochemistry, textures and genesis. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.
  3. Cukur, D., Krastel, S., Tomonaga, Y., Schmincke, Çağatay, M. N., Meydan, A. F., ... & Horozal, S. (2017). Structural characteristics of the Lake Van Basin, eastern Turkey, from high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and multibeam echosounder data: geologic and tectonic implications. International journal of earth sciences106(1), 239-253.
  4. Eriş, K. K., Ön, S. A., Çağatay, M. N., Ülgen, U. B., Ön, Z. B., Gürocak, Z., ... & Okan, Ö. Ö. (2017). Late Pleistocene to Holocene Paleoenvironmental Evolution of Lake Hazar, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Quaternary International.
  5. Eriş, K. K., Arslan, T. N., & Sabuncu, A. (2017). Influences of Climate and Tectonic on the Middle to Late Holocene Deltaic Sedimentation in Lake Hazar, Eastern Turkey. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1-13.
  6. Filikci, B., Eriş, K. K., Çağatay, N., Sabuncu, A., & Polonia, A. (2017). Late glacial to Holocene water level and climate changes in the Gulf of Gemlik, Sea of Marmara: evidence from multi-proxy data. Geo-Marine Letters, 1-13.
  7. Bassant, P., Janson, X., van Buchem, F., Gurbuz, K., & Eriş, K. (2017). Mut Basin, Turkey: Miocene carbonate depositional styles and mixed systems in an icehouse setting. AAPG Bulletin101(4), 533-541.
  8. Ön, Z. B., Akçer-Ön, S., Özeren, M. S., Eriş, K. K., Greaves, A. M., & Çağatay, M. N. (2017). Climate proxies for the last 17.3 ka from Lake Hazar (Eastern Anatolia), extracted by independent component analysis of μ-XRF data. Quaternary International.
  9. Eriş, K. K., Ön, S. A., Çağatay, M. N., Ülgen, U. B., Ön, Z. B., Gürocak, Z., ... & Okan, Ö. Ö. (2017). Late Pleistocene to Holocene Paleoenvironmental Evolution of Lake Hazar, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Quaternary International.

  1. Damcı, E., & Çağatay, M. N. (2016). An automated algorithm for dating annually laminated sediments using X-ray radiographic images, with applications to Lake Van (Turkey), Lake Nautajarvi (Finland) and Byfjorden (Sweden). Quaternary International401, 174-183.
  2. Best, M. M., Favali, P., Beranzoli, L., Blandin, J., Çağatay, N. M., Cannat, M., ... & De Stigter, H. (2016). The EMSO-ERIC Pan-European Consortium: data benefits and lessons learned as the legal entity forms. Marine Technology Society Journal50(3), 8-15.
  3. Makaroglu, O., Çağatay, M.N., Orbay, N.;, Pesonen, L.J., 2016. The radiocarbon reservoir age of Lake Van, eastern Turkey. Quaternary International,   Volume: 408   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 113-122   Part: A   Published: JUL 15 2016.
  4. Damci, E., Çağatay, M.N., 2016. An automated algorithm for dating annually laminated sediments using X-ray radiographic images, with applications to Lake Van (Turkey), Lake Nautajarvi (Finland) and Byfjorden (Sweden). Quaternary International,    Volume: 401   Pages: 174-183   Published: MAY 16 2016.
  5. Best, M.M.R., Favali, P., Beranzoli, L., Blandin, J., Çağatay, N.M., Cannat, M., Dañobeitia, J.J., Delory, E., De Miranda, J.M.A., Del Rio Fernandez, J., De Stigter, H., Gillooly, M., Grant, F., Hall, P.O.J., Hartman, S., Hernandez-Brito, J., Lanteri, N., Mienert, J., Oaie, G., Piera, J., Radulescu, V., Rolin, J.-F., Ruhl, H.A., Waldmann, C., EMSO Consortium. The EMSO-ERIC pan-european consortium: Data benefits and lessons learned as the legal entity forms. Marine Technology Society Journal. Volume 50, Issue 3, May-June 2016, Pages 8-15.
  6. Hubert-Ferrari, A., El-Ouahabi, M., Garcia-Moreno, D., Avşar, U., Altınok, S., Schmidt; S., Fagel, F., Çağatay, M.N., 2017. Earthquake imprints on a lacustrine deltaic system: The Kürk Delta along the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey). Sedimentology.

  1. Çağatay, M.N., Wulf, S. Guichard, F. Özmaral, A., Henry, P, Gasperini, L. (2015). Tephra record from the Sea of Marmara for the last 71 ka and its paleoceanographic implications. Marine Geology, 361: 96-110.
  2. Biltekin, D. Popescu, S-M., Su, J-P., Quézel, P., Jiménez-Moreno6, G., Yavuz, N. Çağatay, M.N., 2015. Anatolia: a long-time plant refuge areadocumented by pollen records over the last 23 Million years. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 215: 1-22.
  3. Suc, J-P., Gillet, H., Çağatay, M.N.,  Popescu, S-M, Lericolais, G., Armijo, R., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.., Şen, Ş., Clauzon, G., Sakınç, M., Zabcı, C.,  Ucarkus, G., Meyer, B. Çakir, Z., Karakaş, Ç.,  Jouannic, G., Macaleţ, R., 2015. The region of the Strandja Sill (North Turkey) and the Messinian events.  Marine and Petroleum Geology, 02/2015; DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.01.013.
  4. Polonia, A. Romano, S., Çağatay, M.N., Capotondi, L. Gasparotto, G., Gasperini, L., Panieri, G., Torelli L. 2015. Are repetitive slumpings during sapropel S1 related to paleo-earthquakes? Marine Geology, DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2015.01.001. 
  1. Embriaco, D., Marinaro, G., Frugoni, F., Monna, S., Etiope, G., Gasperini, L., Polonia; A., Del Bianco, F., Çağatay, M.N., Ulgen, U.B. and Favali, P., 2014. Monitoring of gas and seismic energy release by multi-parametric benthic observatory along the North Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey). Geophysical Journal International, 196 (2): 850-866. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt436.
  2. Guieu C, Aumont O, Paytan A, Bopp L., Law C.S, Mahowald N, Achterberg E. P. Marañón E, Salihoglu B, Crise A, Wagener T, Herut B, Desboeufs K, Kanakidou M, Olgun N, Peters F, Pulido-Villena E, Tovar-Sanchez A., Völker C, 2014. The significance of the episodic nature of atmospheric deposition to Low Nutrient Low Chlorophyll regions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28, doi:10.1002/2014GB004852.
  3. Çukur, D, Krastel, S., Tomonaga, Y., Çağatay, M.N., Meydan, A.F., 2013. The PaleoVan Science Team Seismic evidence of shallow gas from Lake Van, eastern Turkey. Marine and Petroleum Geology 48, 341-353.
  4. Friedrich, J. Janssen, F., Aleynik, D., Bange, H.W., Boltacheva, N.,  Çagatay, M.N., Dale, A.W., Etiope, G., Erdem, E., Geraga, M. et al. 2014. Investigating hypoxia in aquatic environments: diverse approaches to addressing a complex phenomenon. Biogeosciences, 11:1215–1259.
  5. Çağatay, M.N., Öğretmen, N., Damcı, E., Stockhecke, M., Sancar, Ü., Eriş, K.K., Özeren, S., 2014. Çagatay, M.N., et al., Lake level and climate records of the last 90 ka from the Northern Basin of Lake Van, eastern Turkey.  Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 97-116.
  6. Stockhecke, M., Kwiecien, O., Çağatay, M.N., Vigliotti, L, Litt, T., Pickarskie, N., Schmincke, H.-U., et al., 2014. Chronology of the 600 ka old long continental record of Lake Van Quaternary Science Reviews 104, 8-17.  
  7. Cukur, D., Krastel, S., Schmincke H.U., Sumita, M., Tomonaga, Y., Çağatay, M.N., 2014. Water level changes in Lake Van, Turkey, during the past ca. 600 ka: climatic, volcanic and tectonic controls. J. Paleolimnol. 52(3): 201-214.
  8.  Cukur, N., Krastel, S., Schmincke1, H.-U., Sumita, M., Çağatay,M.N., Meydan, F.A., Damci, E., Stockhecke, M., 2014. Seismic stratigraphic evolution of Lake Van, eastern Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 63-84.
  9. Taviani M., Angeletti L., Çağatay M.N., Gasperini L., Polonia A., Wesselingh F.P. 2014. Sedimentary and faunal signature of the post-glacial marine drowning of the Gemlik “Pontocaspian” Outpost (Marmara Sea). Quaternary International, 345:11-17.
  10. McHugh, C.M.G., Braudy, N., Çağatay, M.N., Sorlien, C., Cormier M-H, Seeber, S., Henry, P. 2014. Seafloor fault ruptures along the North Anatolia Fault in the Marmara Sea, Turkey: link with the adjacent Basin turbidite record. Marine Geology, 353: 65–83.
  11. Beck, B, Campos, C., Eriş, K., Çağatay, N., , Mercier de Lepinay, B., Jouanne, F., 2014. Estimation of successive co-seismic vertical osets using coeval sedimentary events – application to the Sea of Marmara’s Central Basin (North Anatolian Fault). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. , 2: 4069-4100.
  12. Barlas Simsek, F., Çağatay, M.N., 2014. Geochronology of Lake Sediments Using 210Pb with Double Energetic Window Method by LSC: An Application to Lake Van. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 93: 126-133.
  13. Best, M., Favali, P., Beranzoli, L. Cannat, M., Cagatay, N., Dañobeitia, J.J. Delory, E. H. de Stigter, B. Ferré, M. Gillooly, F. Grant, P.O.J. Hall, V. Lykousis, J. Mienert, J.M.A. de Miranda, G. Oaie, V. Radulescu, J.-F. Rolin, H. Ruhl, C. Waldmann, 2014. EMSO A Distributed Infrastructure for Addressing Geohazards and: JUN 2014.

  1. Sergeeva, N.G., Mazlumyan, S.A., Çagatay, N., Lichtschlag, N., 2013 Hypoxic Meiobenthic Communities of the Istanbul Strait’s (Bosporus) Outlet Area of the Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13: 33-41.
  2. Olgun N., Duggen S., Langmann B., Hort M., Waythomas C. F., Hoffmann L., Croot P., 2013. Geochemical evidence for oceanic iron fertilization from the Kasatochi volcanic eruption and evaluation of the potential impacts on the sockeye salmon population, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 488, 81-83.
  3. Olgun N., Duggen S., Kutterolf, S., Croot P.L, Andronico D., Giammanco S, Censi P., Randazzo L., 2013. Possible impacts of volcanic ash emissions of Mount Etna on the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea: Results from the nutrient-release experiments in seawater, Marine Chemistry, 152, 32-42.
  1. Yaltırak, C., Ülgen, U.B., Zabcı, C., Franz S.O. Akçer Ön, S. Sakınç, S., Çağatay, M.N., Alpar, B., Öztürk, K., Tunoğlu, C., Ünlü, S. 2012. Discussion: a critique of Possible waterwaysbetween the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea in the lateQuaternary: evidence from ostracod and foraminifer assemblages in lakes İznik and Sapanca, Turkey. Geo-Marine Letters, 32(3):267-274.
  2. Ülgen, U.B., Franz, S.O., Biltekin, D., Çağatay, M.N., Roeser, P.A., Doner, L., Thein, J., 2012. Climatic and environmental evolution of Lake Iznik (NW Turkey) over the last ~4700 years. Quaternary International, 274:88-101.
  3. Bache, F., Popescu, S.M., Rabineau, M., Gorini, C., Suc, JP, Clauzon, G., Olivet, JL., Rubino, JL, Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Estrada, F.,; Londeix, L (Londeix, Laurent)11; Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Jolivet, L.,; Jouannic, G (Jouannic, Gwenael)13; Leroux, E (Leroux, Estelle)5,7; Aslanian, D., Dos Reis, A.T., Mocochain, L., Dumurdzanov, N., Zagorchev, I., Lesic, V., Tomic, D. Çağatay, M.N., Brun, JP., Sokoutis, D., Csato, I.,Uçarkuş, G., Çakir, Z., 2012. A two-step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Basin Research, 24(2):125-153. 
  4. Roeser, P.A., Franza S.O., Litt, T.,Akçer Ön, S, Wulf, S., Hilgers, A., Wennriche V., Ülgen, U.B., Viehberg, F., Çagatay, M.N., Melles, M., 2012. Lithostratigraphic and geochronological framework for the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last ~36 ka calBP from a sediment record from Lake Iznik (NW Turkey). Quaternary International, 274:73-87.
  5. Viehberg, F.A., Ülgen, U.B., Damcı, E., Franz S.O., Akçer Ön, S., Roeser, P.A., Çağatay, M.N., Litt, T., Melles, M., 2012. Seasonal hydrochemical changes and spatial sedimentological variations in Lake Iznik (NW Turkey). Quaternary International, 274: 102-111.
  6. Çağatay, M.N., Erel, L.,  Bellucci, L.G., Polonia, A., Gasperini, L. Eriş, E., Sancar, Ü., Biltekin, D., Uçarkuş, G., Ülgen, U.B., Damcı, E., Sedimentary earthquake records in the İzmit Gulf, Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Sedimentary Geology, 282:347-359.
  7. Eriş, K.K., Çağatay, M.N., Beck, C. Mercier de Lepinay, B., 2012. Corina, Late-Pleistocene to Holocene sedimentary fills of the Çınarcık Basin of the Sea of Marmara. Sedimentary Geology,  281: 151-165.
  8. Zitter, T.A.C., Grall, C. Henry, P., Özeren, M.S., Çağatay, M.N., Şengör, A.M.C.  L. Gasperini, Mercier de Lépinay, B. Géli, L., 2012. Distribution, morphology and triggers of submarine mass wasting in the Sea of Marmara. Marine Geology, 329–331:58–74.
  9. Crémière, A., Pierre, C., Blanc-Valleron, M-M, , Zitter, T., Çağatay, M.N., Henry, P., 2012. Methane-derived authigenic carbonates along the North Anatolian fault system in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 66: 114-130.
  10. Burnard, P., Bourlange, S., Henry, P., Geli, L., Tryon, M.D., Natal'in, B., Sengör, A.M.C., Özeren, M.S., Çagatay, M.N., 2012. Constraints on fluid origins and migration velocities along the Marmara Main Fault (Sea of Marmara, Turkey) using helium isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 341-344: 68 – 78.
  11. Bertrand, S., Doner, L., Akçer, S., Sancar, Ü.,  Schudack, U., Mischke, S.,Çağatay, M.N., Leroy, S.A., 2011. Sedimentary record of coseismic subsidence in Hersek coastal lagoon (Izmit Bay, Turkey) and the late Holocene activity of the North Anatolian Fault. Geochemistry, Geophyics, Geosystems, 12 (6), 1-17.
  12. Tary, J. B.; Geli, L.; Guennou, C., Henry, P., Sultan, N., Çağatay, N., Vidal,V. 2012. Microevents produced by gas migration and expulsion at the seabed: a study based on sea bottom recordings from the Sea of Marmara. Geophysical Journal Internatıonal, 190(2): 993-1007.  
  1. Gasperini, L., Polonia, L., Bortoluzzi, G., Henry, P., Le Pichon, X., Tryon, M., Çağatay, N., Louis Géli., 2011. How far did the surface rupture of the 1999 İzmit earthquake reach in Sea of Marmara? Tectonics, VOL. 30, TC1010, 11 PP., 2011 doi:10.1029/2010TC002726.
  2. Gasperini, L., Polonia, L., Çağatay, M.N., Bortoluzzi, G., Valentina Ferrante, V., 2011. Geological slip rates along the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara region. Tectonics, VOL. 30, TC6001, 14 PP., 2011 doi:10.1029/2011TC002906.
  3. Tary J. B.  Géli, L., Henry, Natalin, B., Gasperini, L., Çomoğlu, M., Çağatay, N., Bardainne, T., 2011. Sea bottom observations from the Western Escarpment of the Sea of Marmara. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 101(2): 775–791. 
  1. Görür, N., Çağatay, M.N., 2010. Geohazards rooted from the northern margin of the Sea of Marmara since the late Pleistocene: a review of recent results. Natural Hazards, 54(2):583-603. 
  2. Boes, X., Moran, S.B., King, J., Çağatay, M.N., Hubert-Ferrari, A., 2010. Record of large earthquakes in lake sediments along the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey. J. Paleolimnology, 43(4):901–920
  3. Özeren, M.S., Çağatay, M.N., Postacıoğlu, N., Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N., Eriş, K., 2010. Mathematical modelling of a potential tsunami associated with a late glacial submarine landslide in the Sea of Marmara. Geo-Mar Lett., 30:523-539.
  4. Eriş, K.K., Çağatay, M.N., Akçer, S., Gasperini, G., Mart, M., 2010. Late glacial to Holocene sea-level changes in the Sea of Marmara: new evidence from high-resolution seismics and core studies. Geo-Marine Lett., Geo-Mar Lett. DOI 31(1):1-18.
  5. Vidal, L.,  Ménot, G.  Joly, C.  Bruneton, H.,  Rostek, F., Çağatay, M.N., Major,M., and Bard, E., 2010. Hydrology in the Sea of Marmara during the last 23 ka: Implications for timing of Black Sea connections and sapropel deposition.Paleoceanography, vol. 25 (1), pa1205, doi:10.1029/2009pa001735. 
  6. Tryon, M.D., Henry, Çağatay, M.N., Zitter, T.A.C. Géli, L., Gasperini, L,. Burnard P.,  Bourlange, S., Grall, C., 2010. Pore fluid chemistry of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Sea of Marmara: A diversity of sources and processes.Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems Vol.11, 10.1029/ 2010GC003177.
  7. Ruhl, H.A., André, M., Beranzoli, L., Çağatay, M.N., Colaço, A., Juanjo, C., et al. 2011. Societal need for improved understanding of climate change, anthropogenic impacts, and geohazard warning drive development of ocean observatories in European Seas. Progress in Oceanography, 91(1): 1-33.
  8. Moreno, D.G., Hubert-Ferrari,A., Moernaut, J. Fraser, J. G.  Boes, X., Van Daele, M. Avsar, U.,  Çağatay, N., De Batist, M. 2010. Structure and recent evolution of the Hazar Basin: a strike-slip basin on the East Anatolian Fault, EasternTurkey. Basin Research (2010) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2010.00476.
  1. Bourry, C., Chazallon, B., Charlou, J-L, Donval J.P, Ruffine, L., Henry, P., Geli, L., Çagatay, M.N., İnan, S.,  Moreau, M., (2009). Free gas and gas hydrates from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey : Chemical and structural characterization.  Chemical Geology, 264;197–206.
  2. Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Suc J-P, Clauzon G, Popescu S-M, Armijo R, Meyer B, Biltekin D, Çağatay MN, Uçarkuş, G, ¨el Jouannic, G, Fauquette S, Çakir Z (2009). The Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Dardanelles region: Chronostratigraphic constraints. Paleogeography, Paleoceanography, Paleoclimatology, 278, 24–39.
  3. Çağatay, M. N., Eriş, K., Ryan, W.B.F., Sancar, Ü., Polonia, A.,  Akçer, S. Biltekin, D., Gasperini, L., Görür, N. Lericolais G., Bard, E. 2009. Late Pliestocene-Holocene evolution of the northern shelf of the Sea of Marmara.  Marine Geology, 265: 87-100.
  1. Zitter, T.A.C. Henry, P. Aloisi, G., Delaygue, G., Çağatay, M.N., Mercier de Lepinay, B. Al-Samir, M. Fornacciari,  F. Tesmer, M., Pekdeğer, A. Wallmann, K., Lericolais, G. 2008, Cold seeps along the main Marmara fault in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), Deep Sea Research Part I, Volume 55:552-570.
  2. Eris, K., Ryan, W.B.F., Çağatay, M.N., Sancar, Ü., Lericolais, G., Menot, G., Bard, E., 2008. Reply to Comment on “The timing and evolution of the post-glacial transgression across the Sea of Marmara shelf south of Istanbul” by Hiscott et al., Marine Geology 248, 228–236. Marine Geology, 254: 230-236.
  3. McHugh, C.M.G., Gurung, D., Giosan,L.,Ryan,W.B. F., Mart, Y.,  Sancar, U., Burckle, L., Çağatay, M.N., 2008.  The last reconnection of the Marmara Sea (Turkey) to the World Ocean: A paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic perspective. Marine Geology, 255: 64-82.
  4. Géli, L., Henry, P., Zitter, T.. Dupré, S., Tryon, M., Çağatay, M. N., de Lépinay, B. Mercier, Le Pichon, X., Sengör, A. M. C., Görür, N., Natalin, B., Uçarkus, G., Özeren, S., Volker, D., Gasperini, L., Burnard, P., Bourlange, S., the Marnaut Scientific, Party, 2008. Gas emissions and active tectonics within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault zone in the Sea of Marmara. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274(1-2): 34-39.
  5. Irvalı, N., Çağatay, M.N. (2008). Late Pleistocene-Holocene history of the Golden Horn Estuary, İstanbul. Geo-Marine Letters, 29:151-160.
  1. Eriş, K., Ryan, W.B.F., Çağatay, M.N., Sancar, Ü., Lericolais, G., Menot, G., Bard, E., 2007.Timing and evolution of the post-glacial transgression across the Sea of Marmara shelf south of Istanbul. Marine Geology, 243:57-76.
  1. Çağatay, M.N., Görür, N., Flecker, R., Sakınç, M, Tünoğlu, T., Ellam, R., Krijgsman, W., Vincent,S., Dikbaş, A., 2006. Paratethyan – Mediterraenan connectivity in the Sea of Marmara region (NW Turkey) during the Messinian. Sedimentary Geology, 188-189: 171-188.
  2. Sarı, E. and Çağatay, M.N., 2006.Turbidites and their association with past earthquakes in the deep Çinarcik Basin of the Marmara Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 1-8.
  3. Cormier, M.-H., Seeber, L. McHugh, C.G.,  Polonia, A., Çağatay, N.and Emre, Ö., Gasperini, L., Görür, N., Bortoluzzi, G., Bonatti, E., Ryan, W.B.F., Newman, R., 2006. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.111,B04102, doi:10.1029/2005JB003633.
  4. McHugh, C.M.G. Seeber, L., Cormier, M-H. Dutton, J., Çağatay, N., Polonia, A., Ryan, W.B.F., Görür, N., 2006. Submarine earthquake geology along the North Anatolia Fault in the Marmara Sea, Turkey: A model for transform basin sedimentation. Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett. 248: 661-684.
  5. Franz, S.O., Schwark, L., Brüchmann, C., Scharf, B, Klingel, R., Alstine, J D V.A., Çağatay, N., Ülgen, U.B., 2006. Journal of Paleolimnology. 35: 715-736.
  6. Beck, C., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Schneider, J-L., Cremer, M., Çağatay, N., Wendenbauma, E., Boutareaud, S., Ménot-Combes, G., Schmidt, S., Olivier, W., Kadir Eris, K.,  Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Pondard, N., Gutcher M-A., and the MARMACORE Cruise Party,   2006. Late Quaternary co-seismic sedimentation in the Sea of Marmara's deep basins. Sedimentary Geology, 199, 65-89.

Papers in non-SCI journals

  1. McHugh, C. M. G.,Seeber, L.; Cagatay, M.N., Henry, P. Sorlien, C.,Steckler, M., Uçarkuş, G. 2012. Continental transform boundaries; tectonic evolution and geohazards. Scientific Drilling, April, 2012, Vol. 13, pp. 61-64.
  2. Litt, T., Anselmetti, F., Baumgarten, H., Beer, J., Çağatay, M.N., Çukur, D., Damci,D. et al. 2012. Drilling over half a million years of environmental history in Eastern Anatolia: The PALEOVAN drilling project. Scientific Drilling (in press).
  3. Litt ,T, Anselmett i, F.S, Çağatay, M.N., Kipfer, R., Krastel, S. And Schmincke, H-U., 2011.  A 500,000-Year-Long Sediment Archive Drilled in Eastern Anatolia. Eos, Vol. 92, No. 51, 20 December 2011.

Book sections

  1. Özsoy, E., Çağatay, M.N., Balkıs, N., Balkıs, N., Öztürk, B. (Eds.) (2016). The Sea of Marmara; MarineBiodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance. Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV),Publication No: 42, Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. Flemming, N.C., Çağatay, M.N., Chiocci, F.L., Galanidou, N., Jöns, H., Lericolais, G., Missiaen, T., Moore, F., Rosentau, A., Sakellariou, D., Skar, B., Stevenson, A., Weerts, H. (2014) Land Beneath the Waves: Submerged landscapes and sea level change. A joint geoscience-humanities strategy for European Continental Shelf Prehistoric Research. Chu, N.C. and McDonough, N. (Eds.) Position Paper 21 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 171 pp. ISBN 978-94-920430-3-0L. 
  3. De Leeuw G., Guieu C., Arneth A., Bellouin N, Bopp L, Boyd P.W., Denier van der Gon H.A.C, Desboeufs K.V., Dulac F., Facchini M.C., Gantt B,, Langmann B., Mahowald N.M., Maranon E., O’Dowd C., Olgun N., Pulido-Villena E., Rinaldi M., Stephanou E.G., and Wagener T., 2014. Ocean –Atmosphere Interactions of Particles , OCEAN ATMOSPHERE INTERACTIONS OF GASSES AND PARTICLES, P.S. Liss and M.T. Johnson (eds), Springer Earth System Sciences, 171-246, ISBN 978-3-642-25643-1- eBook), doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25643-1_4.
  4. Garcon V.C., Bell T.G., Wallace D., Arnol S.R., Baker A., Bakker D.C.E., Bange H.W., Bates N.R., Bopp L., Boutin J., Boyd P.W., Bracher A., Burrows J.P., Carpenter L.J., de Leeuw G, Fennel K., Font J., Friedrich T., Garbe C.S., Gruber N., Jaegle L., Lana A., Lee J. D., Liss P. S., Miller, L.A., Olgun N., Olsen A., Pfeil B., Quack B, Read K. A., Reul N, Rodenbeck C., Rohekar S.S., Saiz-Lopez A., Saltzman E.S., Schneising O., Schuster U, Seferian R, Steinhoff T., Le Traon P.Y., and Ziska F., 2014. Perspectives and Integration in SOLAS Science  of Particles, OCEAN ATMOSPHERE INTERACTIONS OF GASSES AND PARTICLES, P.S. Liss and M.T. Johnson (eds), Springer Earth System Sciences, 247-306, ISBN 978-3-642-25643-1- eBook), doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25643-1_5.
  5. Çağatay, M.N., Geli, L., Gasperini, L., Henry, P., Gürbüz, C., Görür, N. 2014 Seafloor observations and observatory activities in the Sea of Marmara.  In: P. Favali et al (ed.). Chapter 4, pp. 59-79. Praxies Publ.
  1. Ryan, W.B.F, Vatchman, D., Mchugh, C., Çağatay, M.N.,Yossi., M., 2013. A channel shelf fan initiated by flooding of the Black Sea. In: Stefano Goffredo, S. and Dubinsky, Z. (eds.), The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges. 15 pp., Springer.
  1. Luterbacher, J., R. García-Herrera, S. Akçer-Ön, R. Allan, M. C. Alvarez-Castro, G. Benito, J. Booth, U. Büntgen, N. Çağatay, D. Colombaroli, B. Davis, J. Esper, T. Felis, D. Fleitmann, D. Frank, D. Gallego, E. Garcia-Bustamante, R. Glaser, J. F. González-Rouco, H. Goosse, T. Kiefer, M. G. Macklin, S. Manning, P. Montagna, L. Newman, M. J. Power, V. Rath, P. Ribera, D. Riemann, N. Roberts, S. Silenzi, W. Tinner, B. Valero-Garces, G. van der Schrier, C. Tzedakis, B. Vannière, S. Vogt, H. Wanner, J. P. Werner, G. Willett, M.H. Williams, E. Xoplaki, C. S. Zerefos, and E. Zorita, 2012: A review of 2000 years of paleoclimatic evidence in the Mediterranean. In: Lionello, P. (Ed.), The Climate of the Mediterranean region: From the Past to the Future. Elsevier, Amsterdam , The Netherlands , pp. 87-185.
  1. Çağatay, M.N., Görür, N., Geli, L. vd., 2011. The MARDEP Project: The Sea of Marmara Observatory Infrastructure for Multidisciplinary Earthquake and Environmental Research and Monitoring. Proceedings of Underwater Technology Symposium-11, 5-8 April 2011, Tokyo, 7 pages.
  1. Çağatay, M.N., Balkıs,N., Sancar, Ü., Çakır, Z. et al. (2009). Sediment Geochemistry Atlas of the Sea of Marmara and its importance in pollution and ecological studies. In: Özerler, M. and Sayın, E. (eds.), The Role of Climatic and Anthropogenic Changes in Marine Ecosytems, Ecosystems’07,  Izmir – Turkey, pp. 165-182.
  1. Clauson, G., Suc, J-P., Popescu, S-M, Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Quilevere, F., Warny, S.E., Fauquette, S., Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Rubino, J-L., Lericolais, G., Gillet, H., Çağatay, M.N., Uçarkuş, G., Escarguel, G., Jouannic, G., Dalesme, F., 2008. Chronology of the Messinian events and paleogeography of the Mediterranean region s.l.  In: The Messinian Salinity Crisis from Mega-Deposits to Microbiology- A Consus Report, CIESM Workshop Monographs 33, pp. 31-37.
  2. Çağatay, M.N., Suc, J-P, Clauzon, G., and Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2008. Messinian in northwest Turkey: Implications for paleogographic evolution and water mass exchange between Parathethys  and Mediterranean. In: The Messinian Salinity Crisis from Mega-Deposits to Microbiology- A Consus Report, CIESM Workshop Monographs 33, pp. 55-60.
  1. Cochonat, P., Masson, D., Armigliato, A., Bornhold, B. Camerlenghi, A., Çağatay, N., Favali, P., Kvalstad, T., Kopf, Lykousis, V., Miranda, J.M., Person, R., Escalasans, R.U., 2007. History, monitoring and prediction of geohazards In: Deep Sea-floor Frontier – An integrated approach to study the deep sea floor and its history. AB (EC) Raporu, pp.9-15.

Publications in popular science magazines

  1. Çağatay, M.N., Geli, L. and Marmara-DM Partners, 2009. The ESONET Marmara-DM project. ESONEWS, The Newsletter of the European Sea Observatory Network of Excellence, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 5-8.
  2. Çağatay, N.  ve diğ., 2008. İTÜ’de Yeni Bir Araştırma Merkezi: EMCOL (A new research centre at ITU: EMCOL). Cumhuriyet Bilim ve Teknoloji, No. 1091, s.10-11.,15 Şubat 2008.
  3. Çağatay, N. and Özeren, M.S., 2007. Marmara Denizi’nde Deprem Araştırması Ön Sonuçlar. (Earthquake Studies in the Sea of Maramra). Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknoloji, No.1057,22 s. 10-11., 22 Haziran 2007.

Abstracts in International Meetings 


  1. Çağatay, M.N., Biltekin, D., Erel, L., Henry, P., Gasperini, L., McHugh, C.M., Grall, C., Gungor LN., Gungor, E., Polonia, A., Zabci, C., Akkok, R., 2014. Submarine Paleoearthquake Records and Seismic Risk Assessment in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-3208-2, 2014 EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna.
  2. Albut, G., Çağatay, M.N., 2014.Temporal evolution of anthropogenic pollution and environmental changes in a marine inlet: the example of Gemlik Gulf, Marmara Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-PREVIEW, 2014 EGU General Assembly 2014.
  3. Bulkan, Ö., Wilkes, H., Çağatay, M.N.,Yalçın, N.,  Orbay, N., Makaroğlu, Ö., 2014.  Biomarker records of Lake Van: signals for Holocene climate and ecosystem changes in eastern Anatolia. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-3208-2, 2014 EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna.
  4. Acar, D., Çağatay, M.N., Biltekin, D., Eris, K., Albut, G., Öğretmen, Arslan, T., Sarı, E., 2014. Doppler Scanning of Sediment Cores: A Useful Method for Studying Sedimentary Structures and Defining the Cutting Angle for Half Cores. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-PREVIEW, 2014 EGU General Assembly 2014.
  5. Sarı E., Bulkan Ö., Çağatay N., Toksoy B., Kurt M.A. , 2014. Ecological Risk Assessment Of Heavy Metals In Core Sediments And Mussel Samples From The Lake Bafa, Turkey ", 30th Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) International Conference, Newcastle , İngiltere, 30 Haziran - 4 Temmuz 2014, pp.30-31.
  6. Bulkan Ö., Wilkes H., Çağatay N., 2014. Biomarker Record Of Lake Van: Signals For Holocene Climate And Ecosystem Changes In Eastern Anatolia. EGU, Viyana, Avusturya, 26 Nisan - 3 Mayıs 2014, pp.13285-13285.
  7. Çağatay, M.N., Wulf, S., Akçer-Ön, S., Özmaral, A., Guichard, F., Vidal, L., Henry, P., Gasperini, L.2014. 70 ka old paleoclimatic, paleoceanographic and tephra records from the Sea of Marmara. 8th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology. , Muğla, 13-17 Ekim 2014.
  8. Yalamaz, B., Çağatay,M.N., Acar, D., Demirbağ, E., Güngör, E., Güngör, N., Gülen, L. 2014. Earthquake records of North Anatolian Fault from Lake Sapanca Sediments, NW Anatolia. EGU, Viyana, Avusturya, 26 Nisan - 3 Mayıs 2014.
  9. Yalamaz B., Bulkan Ö., Toksoy B., Acipinar S., Çağatay M.N., Sari E., Gürevin C., Acar D., Aydin H., Demirel C., 2014."Environmental Controls On The Organic Matter Enrichment Processes In The Lake Bafa Sediments (Eastern Mediterranean Region), During The Last 150 Years", 8th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Muğla, 13-17 Ekim 2014, pp.153-153.
  10. Yalamaz B., Bulkan Ö., Çağatay M.N, 2014. "Physical Properties Of The Lake Bafa Sediments: Implications for the depositional conditions during the last 150 years ", 8th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Muğla, 13-17 Ekim 2014, pp.152-152.
  11. Olgun N., Volcanic nutrients and their effects on the surface ocean: A new SOLAS perspective, The Californian Goldschmidt Conference, 8-13 Haziran 2014, Sacramento, U.S.A, Goldchmidt 2014 Abstracts 1860 (KEYNOTE SPEECH).
  12. Olgun N., Çağatay M.N, Aksu A, Balkıs N, Kaiser J, Öveçoğlu L, Özcan M., 2014. Biogeochemical impacts of volcanic eruptions on alkaline lakes: A case study on Lake Van in eastern Turkey, The Californian Goldschmidt Conference, 8-13 Haziran 2014, Sacramento, U.S.A, Goldchmidt 2014 Abstracts 1861.
  13. Olgun N., Çağatay M.N., Aksu A, Balkıs N, Kaiser J, Öveçoğlu L, Özcan M., 2014. Biogeochemical impacts of volcanic eruptions on alkaline lakes: A case study on Lake Van in eastern Turkey, European Geosciences Union (EGU) Meeting 2014, 27 Nisan-02 Mayıs 2014, Viyana, Avusturya, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-Preview.
  1. Olgun N, Çağatay M.N., 2013. Environmental impacts of subaerial volcanic eruptions on alkaline lakes: A case study on Lake Van in eastern Turkey, 4th Uluslararası PALEOVAN Post-drill meeting (International Continental Drilling Project), 7-8 Eylül 2013, İstanbul, Türkiye (Konuşmacı)
  2. Albut, G., Çağatay, M.N., Biltekin, D.,2013. Late Holocene- Pleistocene multi-proxy records of paleoclimate and paleovegetation from a southwestern Black Sea sediment core. Agora Paleobotanica Congress-Arino 2013, Teruel, İspanya.
  1. Öğretmen, N., Çağatay, M.N., 2012. Paleoenvironmental changes in Lake Van during the late glacial-Holocene. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna 22-27 April 2012, Abstract EGU2012-6386.
  2. Damcı, E., Çağatay M. N., Krastel, S, Öğretmen, N., Çukur, D.,  Ülgen, U.B., Erdem, Litt, T., Anselmetti F.S. Eriş,K.K.,  and ICDP PaleoVan Scientific Party, 2012. Lake Level Changes of Lake Van over the Last 400 ka: Evidence from Deltas in Seismic Reflection Data and ICDP Drilling. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna 22-27 April 2012, Abstract EGU2012-6390.
  3. Erdem, Z., Çağatay, M.N., Ülgen, U.B., Damcı, E., Acar, D., 2012. Holocene History of the Mediterranean Inflow and Its Influence on Formation of the Channel Network Complex and Redox Conditions in the Istanbul Strait Outlet Area of the Black Sea European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna 22-27 April 2012, Abstract EGU2012-7068.
  4. Barlas Şimsek, F. and Çağatay, M.N., 2012 Late Holocene High Resolution Multi-Proxy Climate and Environmental Records From Lake Van, Eastern Turkey. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012, Abstract EGU2012-6276.
  5. Litt ,T, Anselmett i, F.S, Çağatay, M.N., Kipfer, R., Krastel, S. et al., 2012. A 500,000-Year-Long Sediment Archive of Lake Van in Eastern Anatolia. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012, Abstract EGU2012-9834.
  6. Özmaral, A., Çağatay, M.N., İmren, C., Gasperini, L., Henry, P., 2012. Holocene sedimentary processes in the Gemlik Gulf: a transtensional basin on the middle Strand of the North Anatolian Fault, Sea of Marmara European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012, Abstract EGU2012-8345.
  7. Çağatay M. N., Biltekin D., Ülgen U.B., Erel L., Gasperini L., Henry P., Grall C., Polonia A., McHugh C., Uçarkuş G., 2012. Symposium on Paleoseismology Along the North Anatolian Fault (PANAF), 8-12 Ekim 2012, İstanbul.
  8. Çağatay, M.N., Erdem, Z.,  Umut Barış Ülgen, Emre Damcı, Dursun Acar, 2012. Holocene history of Mediterranean water inflow and channel-network complex in the İstanbul Strait outlet area of the Black Sea. IESCA 2012, İzmir.
  9. Albut, G., Çağatay, M.N., Biltekin, D., 2012. Late Pleistocene-Holocene climate and vegetation records in Istanbul outlet area of Black Sea. IESCA 2012, İzmir, p. 271.
  1. Çağatay, M.N., Görür, N., Geli, L. vd., 2011. The MARDEP Project: The Sea of Marmara Observatory Infrastructure for Multidisciplinary Earthquake and Environmental Research and Monitoring. Proceedings of Underwater Technology Symposium-11, 5-8 April 2011, Tokyo, 7 pages.
  1. Çağatay, M.N., 2010. Paleoceanography and earthquakesedimentary records  in the Sea of Marmara.European Science Foundation (ESF) workshop on “Real-Time Amphibic Monitoring & Borehole Observatories” 13-16 October, 2010, Bremen, Germany. Invited lecture.
  2. Görür, N and Çağatay M.N., 2010. Marmara sea-floor observatory project proposal. European Science Foundation (ESF) workshop on “Real-Time Amphibic Monitoring & Borehole Observatories” 13-16 October, 2010, Bremen, Germany. Invited lecture.
  3. Çağatay, M.N. Görür, G. Geli, L., Henry, P.,  Aufrett, Y., Gasperini, L., Favali, P., Çifçi, G., and ESONET Marmara-DM Scientific party, 2010. Towards establishment of permanent multidisciplinary seafloor observatories in the Sea of Marmara. eophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9395, 2010 EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna.
  4. Dupré, S., Scalabrin, C., Géli, L., Henry, P., Grall, C.,  Tary, J-B, Çağatay, M.N., İmren, C., and the MARMESONET Scientific Party Team Widespread gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara in relation with the tectonic and sedimentary environments: Results from shipborne multibeam echosounder water column imagery (MARMESONET expedition, 2009)., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-9429-2, 2010, EGU General Assembly 2010
  5. Gasperini L., Polonia, A., Favali P., Çağatay, M.N., Marinaro G., Etiope G. Selection of a suitable site for monitoring gas emissions and seismicity in the Sea of Marmara. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-12008, 2010, EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna
  6. Géli, L., Henry, P., Cagatay, M. N., Cifçi,  G., Gasperini, L., Favali, P. & the Marmara-DM party, 2010. Preliminary results from the Marmara Demonstration Mission of ESONET.
  7. Grall, C., Henry, P., Dupre, S., Geli, L., Scalabrin, C., Çağatay, M.N., Çakır, Z., Özeren, S., Normand, A., Guerinb, C.,, and the Marmesonet Scientific Party, 200. Observations of seafloor deformations and fluid emissions from AUV and submersible surveys in the Sea of Marmara. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-PREVIEW, 2010. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna.
  1. Sürmelihindi G., Görür, N, Çağatay MN (2009). Late Holocene Centennial Records of Climate Change in Lake Hazar, East Anatolia, Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-5835-1, 2009 EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna.
  2. Altinok Y, Alpar, B, Çağatay MN, Akçer S, Unlu, S., Balkis N, Ozer N, Aykurt, H. (2009).Sedimentological and geochemical properties of a tsunami deposit in a lagoon north of Sea of Marmara, Turkey Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-5125, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009. Vienna.
  3. Boës X, Hubert-Ferrari A, Garcia D, Avsar U, Damcı E, Çağatay N, Moernaut J, De Batist M (2009). The Earthquake Sedimentary record of The Lake Hazar along the East Anatolian Fault in Turkey, Vol. 11, EGU2009-13641, 2009 EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna.
  4. Çağatay, M.N., 2009. Geohazards and their sedimentary and geochemical records in the Sea of Marmara. International Symposium on 10th Anniversary of the17 August 1999 Izmit Earthquake: An overview of the research in the Sea of Marmara region over the last 10 years. İTÜ, İstanbul.
  5. Çağatay, M.N. 2009 History of marine geological research and the need for seafloor observatories in the Sea of Marmara. ESONET NoE Training Course on Seafloor Observatory Techniques on Marine Geohazard Monitoring. 18-19 August, 2009. ITÜ, Istanbul.
  1. Çağatay, M.N., Belucci, L. Polonia, A. Sancar, U. Dikçe, D. Eriş, K. Damci, E., Gasperini, L. Gorur, N. Henry, P. Zitter, T.A.C. Geli, L. Tryon, M., 2008. Sedimentary earthquake records in the Sea of Marmara, EGU 2008 meeting, Vienna, 2008.
  2. Çağatay, M.N., Eriş, K., Sancar, Ü., Biltekin, D., Akçer, S., 2007. Marmara Denizi’nin Geç Kuvaterner Paleoşinografisi, İstanbul’un Jeolojisi Sempozyumu , Türkiye Jeoloji Mühendisleri tarafından organize edildi. 7-9 Aralık, 2007,İstanbul.
  3. Çağatay, M.N., Geli, L., Henry, P., 2008. ESONET Demonstration Mission project in the Sea of Marmara. ESONET first training workshop, Bremen, 27-28 January 2008.
  4. Çağatay, M.N., Sancar, Ü. Henry, P. Gasperini, L. Tryon, M. Dikçe, D. and the Marnaut Scientific Party, 2008. Aktif Marmara Fayı Boyunca İzlenen Siyah Sülfidi Zonların Kökeni, Tektonik ve Palosismolojik Açıdan Önemi. Ankara  61. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı.
  5. Erel, L.T., Çağatay, M.N., Zabci, C., Akyüz., H.S., 2008.İzmit ve çevreleyen  bölgede Tarihsel Depremler. DAYK Sempozyumu 19-22 Mart 2008, Sakarya.
  6. Eriş, K.K. and Çağatay, M.N., 2008. Marmara Denizi’nde Orta Pleyistosen’den günümüze deniz seviyesi değişimleri ve Akdeniz ve Karadeniz ile su geçişleri Poster, Ankara,  61. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı.
  7. Geli, L. Henry, P. Dupré, S. Volker, D. Zitter*, T.A.C. Le Pichon, X. Tryon, M. D. Çağatay, M. N. and the Marnaut Scientific Party, Acoustic detection of gas emissions within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault zone in the Sea of Marmara, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 10-14 December, 2008.
  8. Géli, L. Henry, P., André, C. Zitter  T., Çağatay, N., Mercier de Lépinay, B. (2008). Marine Heat flow measurements from the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault, in the Sea of Marmara. AGU Fall meeting . 14-19 Aralık, San Francisco.
  9. Geli, L., Henry, P., Dupré , S. ,Volker, D. ,Zitter, T. ,Le Pichon, X., Tryon, M., Çağatay, N. and the Marnaut Scientific Party, 2008. Marmara Denizi'nin altındaki Kuzey Anadolu Fay Hattında Gaz çıkışlarını Akustik yöntemle belirlenmesi Acoustic detection of gas emissions within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault zone in the Sea of Marmara. 2008 Ankara  Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayında sunuldu.
  10. Görür, N., Özeren, S., Çağatay, N., Şengör, C., and the Marnaut Scientific Party, 2008. Çınarcık Havzasının Kuzey Yamacı : Heyalan Riski İle karşı karşıya Olan bir sualtı Fay Şevi 2008 Ankara, 61.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı.
  11. Henry, P. Zitter, T.A.C., Le Pichon, X. Sengor, A.M.C. Çağatay, N., Gasperini, L. Geli, L.Tryon, M. D. Mercier de Lepinay, B., and the Marnaut Scientific Party, Manned submersible observations at cold seeps in the North Anatolian Fault zone, Sea of Marmara, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 10-14 December, 2008.
  12. Henry, P. Zitter, T.A.C., Le Pichon, X., Geli, L., Tryon, M. D., Mercier de Lepinay, B., Cagatay, M. N., Sengor, A.M.C., Gorur, N., Bourlange S. and the Marnaut Scientific Party, Cold seeps in the North Anatolian Fault zone, Sea of Marmara: hints for a deep connection. Presented at EGU meeting, Vienna, 2008.
  13. Henry, P. Zitter, T.A.C., Le Pichon, X., Sengor, A.M.C., Gorur, N. Cagatay, N. Gasperini, L. Geli, L., Tryon, M. D., Mercier de Lepinay, B., and the Marnaut Scientific  Party, Marmara Denizinde Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonundaki Soğuk Akışkan Çıkışlarında İnsanlı Denizaltı ile yapılan Gözlemler 2008 Ankara  61. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı.
  14. Özeren, M. S. Çağatay, N. Şengör, A.M. C. Görür, N. Zitter, T, Henry, P., Gasperini, L., Eris, K., Postacioglu, N., Geli, L.,  Sultan, N. 2008. Submarine landslide risk in the Sea of Marmara revisited after Marnaut cruise. Presented at EGU 2008 meeting, Vienna.
  15. Çağatay, M.N. Belucci, L. Polonia, A. Sancar,  U. Eriş, K. Gasperini L., Görür, N. Henry, P.. Zitter, T A.C. Geli, L. Tryon, M. 2008. Geochemical and Sedimentological Characteristics of the Turbidites Related to Earthquake Activity in the Sea of Marmara. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall meeting . 14-19 Aralık, San Francisco.
  16. Altinok, Y., Çağatay, M.N., Alpar, B., Akçer, S., Ozer, N., Sancar, U., Damci, E., Acar, D., Ceylan, S., Agor, H. 2008. Investigation of paleotsunami deposits in the cores of Küçükçekmece Lagoon, Sea of Marmara, Turkey. EGU 2008, Vienna. Poster: XY0389.
  17. Boës, X; Moran, B; Roger, K; Ulas, A; Moernaut, J; King, J; Çağatay, N; Hubert Ferrari, A Radionuclide profiles and recent earthquakes history of Lake Hazar Pull-apart basin (East Anatolian Fault, Turkey). EGU 2008, Vienna Poster: XY0232.
  18. Çağatay MN, Belucci L, Polonia A, Sancar U,  Eriş K, Gasperini, L, Görür, N, P Henry P, Zitter TAC, Geli G, Tryon,T. (2008). Geochemical and Sedimentological Characteristics of the Turbidites Related to Earthquake Activity in the Sea of Marmara. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2008.
  19. Zitter TAC, Henry P, Özeren MS, Çağatay MN, Geli L, Mercier de Lepinay B., Gasperini L, Sultan, N. (2008). Slope Instabilities Along the North Anatolian Fault System in the Sea of Marmara. American Geophysical Unon (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Aralık 2008
  20. Géli L, Henry P, André C, Zitter , T, Çağatay N, B. Mercier de Lépinay B (2008). Marine Heat flow measurements from the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault, in the Sea of Marmara. American Geophysical Unon (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Aralık 2008
  21. Tryon, M. D., Çağatay, M. N., Henry, P., Zitter, T.A.C., Geli, L. Charlou J.-L. and the Marnaut Scientific Party, Pore fluid chemistry of cold seeps in the Sea of Marmara, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 10-14 December, 2008.
  22. Zitter, T.A.C. Henry, P. Özeren, M.S. Cagatay, M.N. Geli, L. Mercier de Lepinay, B. Gasperini, L., Sultan, N.,.2008. Slope Instabilities along the North Anatolian Fault System in the Sea of Marmara. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 10-14 December, 2008.
  1. Çağatay, M.N., Sancar, Ü., Damcı, E., Eriş, K, Erel, L., 2007. Marmara Denizin’de Türbiditler ve Onların Paleosismolojik Önemleri. 6. TURQUA Sempozyumu,16-18  Mayıs, 2007. İstanbul.
  2. Dikçe, D., Çağatay, M.N., Sancar,Ü. 2007. Marmara Denizi Orta Çukurluğunda Sismotürbiditlerin Özellikleri ve Tarihsel depremlerle İlişkilendirilmesi. Poster sunumu.  6. TURQUA Sempozyumu, 16-18 Mayıs, 2007. İstanbul.
  3. Çağatay, M.N. 2007.  The Sea of Marmara: an important seafloor observatory site for earthquake, landslide and oceanographic studies”. ESONET All Regions Workshop” held in Barcelona, 5-7 September 2007.
  4. Çağatay, M.N., 2007. Seismoturbidites in the Sea of Marmara”. IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) Workshop on Geohazards, held in Portland, Oregon, USA, 26-30 August 2007.
  5. Çağatay, M.N., Balkıs, N., Sancar, Ü.  Çakır, Z., Yücesoy-Eryılmaz, F., Eryılmaz, M., Sarı, E., Erel, L., Akçer, S, Biltekin, D., 2007. Sediment geochemical atlas of the Sea of Marmara: An important tool in marine pollution and ecological studies Intern. Workshop on the role of Climatic and Anthropogenic Changes in Marine Eco Systems,18-20 Ekim 2007, İzmir, Türkiye.
  6. Eriş, K.K., Ryan, W.B.F., Çağatay, M.N., Sancar, Ü. , Lericolais, G., Menot, G., Bard, E., 2007. İstanbul’un Güney Marmara Şelfi Boyunca Buzul Sonrası Transgresyonun Evrimi ve Zamanı. Sözlü sunum. 6. TURQUA Sempozyumu, 16-18 Mayıs, 2007. İstanbul.
  7. Sancar, Ü., Çağatay, M.N.,2007. Karadeniz’de Son Dokuz bin Yıldaki Paleo-iklimsel Çökel Kayıtları, 6. TURQUA Sempozyumu,  16-18 Mayıs, 2007, İstanbul.
  1. Özeren, M. S., Çağatay, N., Postacıoğlu, N., Eriş, K., 2006. A Late Glacial Submarine Landslide in the Sea of Marmara and the Mathematical Modelling of its Associated Tsunami. European Geosciences Union  2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 01526, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-01526.
  2. Bertrand, S., Çağatay N., Doner, L. Sancar, U, Akcer, S, and Leroy, S.. Evolution of the late Holocene sedimentary infill of Hersek Lagoon (Turkey, Izmit Bay): Use and limits for the reconstruction of past tsunamis in the Sea of Marmara. European Geosciences Union 2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 01045, 2006 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-01045.
  3. Çağatay, M.N., Doner, L., Okay, N., Genç, C., Akkök, R., Vardar, M., Tüysüz, O. 2006. EMCOL (Eastern Mediterranean Centre for Oceanography and Limnology). A new European research centre for natural hazards and environmental change studies. EGU Meeting, Vienna, April, 2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 01602, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-01605.Güngör, E., Çağatay, M. N. 2006. Sedimentary record of Late Maunder Minimum in the Black Sea.  Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 01602, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-01602Çağatay, M.N. and Görür, N, 2006. Late Quaternary stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Marmara Sea: implications for tectonic studies. International workshop on comparative studies of the NorthAnatolian Fault (northwest Turkey) and the San Andreas Fault (southern California). 14-18 August 2006, İstanbul. Abstracts, pp. 16-17.

Abstracts in National Meetings 


  1. Yalamaz, B., Çağatay,M.N., Acar, D., Demirbağ, E., Güngör, E., Güngör, N., Gülen, L. 2014. Sapanca Gölü Sedimanlarından Deprem Kayıtları. 67. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı. Ankara.
  2. Albut, G., Çağatay, N., Güngör, N., Güngör, E., Acar, D., Balkıs, N., 2014. Gemlik Körfezi çökellerinde ağır metal ve organik kirliliğinin zamansal evrimi. 67. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı. Ankara.
  3. Bulkan Ö., Wilkes H., Çağatay N., Orbay M.N., Makaroğlu Ö., "Van Gölü Çökellerinin Element Kimyası Ve Biyomarker Kayıtları: Holosen Ekosistemi Ve Doğu Anadolu’Nun İklimine Katkilar", 67. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, 14 Nisan - 18 Mayıs 2014.
  4. Toksoy B., Bulkan Ö., Çağatay N., Sari E., Yalamaz B., Gürevin C., Durmaz E., Aktaş D., "Bafa Gölü Çökellerinin Fiziksel Ve Kimyasal Özellikleri", 67. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, 14 Nisan - 18 Mayıs 2014, pp.770-771.
  5. Bulkan Ö., Toksoy B., Yalamaz B., Kirci Elmas E., Demirel C., Çağatay M.N. , "Bafa Gölü Çevresinde (Batı Anadolu) Iklim Ve Ekosistem Ilişkisi: Holosen Yaşlı Gölsel Ve Denizel Çökel Kayıtları", 15.Paleontoloji - Stratigrafi Çalıştayı , Antalya, 25-27 Ekim 2014, cilt.1, no.1, ss.113-113.
  6. Sari E., Bulkan Ö., Çağatay N., Toksoy B., Kurt M.A., "Bafa Gölü Midye Ve Karot Sedimentlerinde Ağır Metal Kirliliğinin Değerlendirilmesi", VI. Uluslararası Katılımlı Jeokimya Sempozyumu, Ankara, 14-17 Mayıs 2014, pp.182-184.
  7. Olgun N., Çağatay M. N., Aksu A, Balkıs N, Kaiser J, Öveçoğlu L, Özcan M., 2014. Volkanik patlamaların alkali (soda) göller üzerindeki çevresel etkileri: Van Gölü örnek çalışması, 67th Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 14-18 Nisan 2014, Ankara, Türkiye.
  1. Eriş, K.K., Ülgen, U.B., Damcı E., Acar, D., İnceöz, M, Güroacak, Z.,  Öztekin, Ö. Dicle, O. Akkoca, B., Akçer, S, Çağatay, N., Sancar, Arslan, Ü. N., T.N. 2013. Hazar Gölü, Doğu Anadolu, Türkiye, Geç-Pleyistosen-Holosen Çökel Kayıtlarının Sismik ve Karot Stratigrafisi. 66. Türkiye jeoloji Kurultayı 2013, Ankara
  2. Çağatay, M.N. Damcı, E., Öğretmen, N. Eriş, K., Özeren, S., 2013. Van Gölü ICDP karotlarında son 90 bin yıldaki iklim ve göl seviyesi kayıtları. 66. Türkiye jeoloji Kurultayı 2013, Ankara.
  3. Akçer, S., Çağatay, N., Sakınç, M., Ön, B., Acar, D., 2013. İstanbul’da “Küçük Buz Çağı” ve “Ortaçağ Ilık Dönemi”: Küçükçekmece Lagünü çökel kayıtları ile tarihi kayıtların deneştirilmesi. 66. Türkiye jeoloji Kurultayı 2013, Ankara.
  4. Acar, D., Demirbağ, D., İmren, C., Çağatay, M.N., 2013. Çok sığ sularda yeni bir düzenekle sismik veri toplama. 66. Türkiye jeoloji Kurultayı 2013, Ankara.
  5. Ön, Z.B., Özeren, S., Çağatay, M.N., Akçer, S., Damcı, E. Sancar, Ü., 2013. Van Gölü çökellerinde geç Pleyistosen-Holosen iklim kayıtlarının döngüselliği. . 66. Türkiye jeoloji Kurultayı 2013, Ankara.
  1. Damcı, E., Çağatay M. N., Krastel, S, Öğretmen, N., Çukur, D., Ülgen, U.B., Erdem, Z., Litt, T., Anselmetti F.S. Eriş,K.K.,  and ICDP PaleoVan Scientific Party, 2012. Van Gölü’nün son 400 bin yıldaki göl seviyesi değişimleri: Sismik yansıma hatlarındaki deltalar ve ICDP sondaj verileri. 65.Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı,  Ankara, 2-6 Nisan 2012.
  2. Çağatay, N. 2012. Türkiye Göllerinde Paleocoğrafya ve Paleolimnoloji Araştırmaları ve Çıldır Gölü. Uluslar arası Çıldır Göl Festivali ve Âşıklar Şöleni, 4 – 8 Temmuz, 2012. Ardahan Üniversitesi,Ardahan Valiliği, Çıldır Belediyesi.
  3. Çağatay, M.N., 2012. Türkiye'nin bazı göllerinde son on iki bin yıldaki paleoiklim ve göl seviyesi değişimleri ve toplumsal etkileri. Türkiye'de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu VII, Yan etkinlik:  İklim Değişikliğinin Su  Kaynaklarına Etkisi. 22-23 Kasım 2012. GYTE, İstanbul.

PhD Theses

  1. Eriş, K.K., 2007: Orta Pleyistosen’den günümüze Marmara Denizi’nde deniz seviyesi değişimleri. İTÜ Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, Danışman: Prof.Dr. Namık Çağatay
  2. Ümmühan Sancar 2010. Karadeniz ve Marmara Denizi’nde son 20000 yıl’da meydana gelen paleoşinografik ve paleoiklimsel değişimler. Avrasya Yerbilimleri Ensitüsü.Tez danışmanı: Prof.Dr. Namık Çağatay.
  3. Demet Biltekin, 2010. Vegetationandclimate of Nort-West Anatolia and North Aegean region since 7 Ma according to pollen analysis. Avrasya Yerbilimleri Ensitüsü. Tez danışmanı: Prof.Dr. Namık Çağatay ve Prof.Dr. Jean-Pierre Suc.
  4. Sena Akçer-Ön, 2011. Küçükçekmece Lagünü, Yeniçağa, Uludağ Buzul ve Bafa Göllerinin (Batı Türkiye) Geç Holosendeki İklim Kayıtları: Avrupa ve Orta Doğu İklim Kayıtları ile Karşılaştırılması. Avrasya Yerbilimleri Ensitüsü. Tez danışmanı: Prof.Dr. Namık Çağatay ve Prof.Dr. Mehmet Sakınç.
  5. Funda Şimşek (devam etmekte). Van Gölünün son bin yıldaki yüksek çözünürlü iklim ve çevresel kayıtları. Avrasya Yerbilimleri Ensitüsü.  Tez Danışmanı: Prof.Dr.Namık Çağatay.
  6. Emre Damcı (devam etmekte). Van Gölü su seviyesi değişimleri. Avrasya Yerbilimleri Ensitüsü. Tez Danışmanı: Prof.Dr.Namık Çağatay.
  7. Şebnem Elbek (devam etmekte). Marmara Denizi’nin Tekirdağ ve Orta Marmara Çukurlukları arasındaki alanın Jeolojisi ve Trakya Havzası ile Korelasyounu. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Enstitüsü. Tez Danışmanı: Prof.Dr.Naci Görür ve Prof.Dr. Atilla Uluğ.

Master Theses

  1. Gülüm Albut (ongoing). Gemlik Körfezi Çökellerinin Ağır Metal Kirliliği ve Kirliliğin Zaman İçindeki Evrimi (TÜBİTAK destekli).  Dikçe, D., 2008. Orta Marmara Denizi Çukurluğunda Deprem kayıtlarının araştırılması ve tarihsel depremlerle ilişkileri. İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Danışman: Prof.Dr. M.Namık Çağatay.
  2. Irvalı N., 2008. İstanbul Halici’nin Holosen Tarihçesi. İTÜ Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Danışman: Prof.Dr. M.Namık Çağatay.
  3. Zeynep Erdem, 2011. “Karadeniz'de İstanbul Boğazı açıklarında oksik-anoksik sınırının son birkaç bin yıllık kayıtları” Avrasya Yerbilimleri Ensitüsü.
  4. Nazik Öğretmen, 2012. Van Gölü’nün Yüksek Çözünürlü Göl Seviyesi Değişimleri. Avrasya Yerbilimleri Enstitüsü . Tez Danışmanı: Prof.Dr. Namık Çağatay
  5. Aslı Özmaral, 2012. Gemlik Körfezi Holosen Çökellerinde Sedimentolojik ve Jeofizik Araştırmalar. İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 93 s. Prof.Dr. Namık Çağatay (Yard.Doç.Dr.Caner İmren’le birlikte).

