EMCOL's Staff |
Prof. Dr. Namık Çağatay
Office: ITU Faculty of Mines, Geology Department, E-504
e-mail: cagatay@itu.edu.tr
Tel: +90 212 285 6211
B.Sc. in Geology, University College, University London (1973)
Ph.D. and Diploma of Imperial College in Geochemistry, Imperial College, University of London (1977)
Dr. Kürşad Kadir Eriş

email: kursadkadire@gmail.com
Tel: +90 212 285 6301
B.Sc. Fırat University, Geological Engineering (1996)
M.sc. Istanbul Techical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey (2001)
Ph.D. Istanbul Techical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey (2007)
Dr. Gülsen Uçarkuş

email: ucarkus@itu.edu.tr
Reseach Interests: Active Tectonics, Seismic Stratigraphy, Paleosismology
Tel=+90 212 285 7436
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering (1999)
M.sc. Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences (2002)
Ph.D. Joint Program Istanbul Technical University & Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (2010)
Dursun Acar (Engineer)

Tel:+90 212 285 63 01 Office: EMCOL Office
email: dursunacaracar@hotmail.com
B.Sc. Kocaeli University, Geological Engineering, Kocaeli, Turkey.
M.sc. Istanbul University, Marine Institute
Nurettin Yakupoğlu (PhD, Trader)
Tel:+90 212 285 63 01 Office: EMCOL Office
email: yakupoglu@itu.edu.tr
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey (2015).
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Gratude School of Science, Engineering&Technology,
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Gratude School of Science, Engineering&Technology (ongoing)
Project Advisor: Dr. Gülsen Uçarkuş
Asen Sabuncu (Ph.D. Student)
Tel:+90 531 739 38 55 Office: EMCOL Office
email: sabuncuas@itu.edu.tr / asen.sabuncu@gmail.com
B.Sc. Istanbul University, Geophysical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey (2012).
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science, Geophysical Engineering
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Marine Geophysics, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences (ongoing)
Project Advisor: Dr. Kürşad Kadir Eriş Co-Advisor: Dr. Emin Demirbağ
Erdem Kırkan (Ph.D. Student)
email: kirkan.erdem@gmail.com
B.Sc. Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Geological Engineering, Turkey (2015).
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science, Geoological Engineering
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science, Geoological Engineering
Project Advisor: Dr. Gülsen Uçarkuş Co-Advisor: Dr. Semih Ergintav
Furkan Hoşer (MSc. Student)
email: hoser20@itu.edu.tr
B.Sc. Üsküdar University, Geological Engineering, Turkey (2020).
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science, Geological Engineering
Project Advisor: Dr. Kürşad Kadir Eriş
Former Researchers and Graduate Students of EMCOL:
Burak Yalamaz (MSc Student)
Tel:+90 212 285 63 01 Office: EMCOL Office
email: byalamaz@itu.edu.tr
B.Sc. Istanbul University, Geological Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey (2012).
M.sc. Istanbul Technical University, Gratude School of Science, Engineering&Technology, |
Cerennaz Bozyiğit (M. Sc. Student)
Tel:+90 212 285 62 11 Office: EMCOL Office
email: bozyigit@itu.edu.tr / cerenbozyigit@gmail.com
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey (2018).
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science, Geological Engineering (ongoing)
Project Advisor: Dr. Kürşad Kadir Eriş
Dr. Ümmühan Sancar (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Reserach Interests:
Marine geology and geochemistry.
Tel: +90 212 285 7437 Office: Geology Department E-511.
email: sancarum@itu.edu.tr url: http://www.akademi.itu.edu.tr/sancarum
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.
M.sc. Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institutite of Earth Sciences, Istanbul Turkey.
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institutite of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Dr. Sena Akçer

M.sc. Istanbul Techical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
Ph.D. Istanbul Techical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Demet Biltekin

email: demetbiltekin@gmail.com
B.Sc. Kocaeli University, Geological Engineering, Kocaeli, Turkey
M.sc. Istanbul Techical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ph.D. Istanbul Techical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, joint Ph.D. Universite Claude Bernard- Lyon 1
Post-doctoral research: Institut Catala de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolucio Social, Tarragona, Spain |
Umut Barış Ülgen
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.
M.sc. Istanbul Techical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
Emre Damcı
B.Sc. Istanbul University, Geophysical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
MSc. Istanbul Technical University, Marine Geophysics, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences ongoing |
