The EMCOL’s laboratories and field facilities
1. Core Analyses Laboratory housing: (i) ITRAX Core scanner for sub-mm-scale resolution XRF analyses, digital X-ray radiography and color scanning of cores, (ii) MSCL core logger with gamma density, magnetic susceptibility, p-wave and electrical resistivity sensors.
2. Sedimentology Laboratory, with laser grain size analyzer and mechanical sifter, smear slide preparation and optical microscopy.
3. Geochemistry Laboratory with TOC analyzer for organic and inorganic carbon analyses, fossil separation for isotope analyses.
4. Wet Core Laboratory for sample description, digital photography, geomechanical tests, descrete sampling, and wet-sieving for microfossils.
5. Cold Core Storage Room for storing and archiving sediment cores at 4ºC.
6. Field Equipment: sub-bottom profiler, platform with Uwitec tripod for lake coring and sediment sampling, 6 m boat with engine, various corers, such as gravity, Kajak, Livingstone piston corer, grab-sampler, equipment for shoreline drilling and submersible vibracorer.
In addition to the EMCOL facilities, Sample Preparation, GIS, Remote Sensing, Tree Ring laboratories of the Eurasian Institute of Earth Sciences are available for research projects.
EMCOL field and laboratory facilities are fully available to research groups for project work. You can follow all developments on the EMCOL's web-site (, concerning the research laboratories, equipment and training courses and employment opportunities for young scientists.